If you think it's all about shelving and shushing... This is much harder than it looks.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here's to waiting!

I read somewhere that from when J.K. Rowling announced the title for the last book, it was another year and a half before we saw the text on the shelves. But I can wait...

At least we have 7/13/07 to look forward to!

Also... I just finished David Levithan's Are We There Yet? It was not what I expected at all. I've never read any of Levithan's books before, but I was expecting a slightly sillier tone. Are We There Yet? was thoughtfully written: third person narration often does that, but this seemed more serious. Maybe because of Danny's somber undertone.

Up Next: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Monday, December 18, 2006

Inaugural Post

What may come of this blog:
  • Book Reviews
  • YA Program Ideas
  • Happenings at "my" branch
  • Musings/challenges/successes
And of course, any suggestions people may have...

Just Finished: Are We There Yet? by David Levithan
Currently/Soon-to-be Reading: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer