If you think it's all about shelving and shushing... This is much harder than it looks.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

It's like a New Year's Resolution

For the past couple of weeks I've been finishing up my thesis. Since I didn't have any class for the month (that's me, classless!) I spent most of my time writing, revising, or just thinking about that paper.

I've also come to the conclusion that I don't think I'm going to try for a TAG anymore. A thought that may surprise many librarians... I'm glad I don't have the grant at my branch (Wallace) that requires me to run a Teen Advisory Group. When I started at my branch last May, I dove right into Summer Reading. From there I tried to build a Teen Advisory Group, but to no avail. It's so incredibly frustrating to set the time, resources, and effort forth for no one to show up repeatedly. For now I think I'm going to operate solely on a program-basis, with input from the program attendees. If a TAG emerges, so be it. If not, I think that will be OK too... I'll just have to find enough crafts and stuff to fill one session per week (required).

Recent Reads (most recent first): Burned by Ellen Hopkins, Lulu Dark Can See Through Walls by Bennett Madison, The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry Lyga, Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn, Avalon High by Meg Cabot