If you think it's all about shelving and shushing... This is much harder than it looks.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Saving Nine

I've been trying to get Sajata Epps to come to the branch to do the Knit Wit program. Since Teen Central got first dibs, she should be coming to my branch in the end of February/beginning of March. Or so I thought...

Seems wires and lines got crossed and A.J. Sister Black has also been scheduled for our branch, but for the end of January/February. It was either keep both and move knitting back to March/April or just do one at the original time. I thought long and hard about whether or not I was going to keep both programs. What if no one was interested in either? It'd be a long time to have two similar programs running with low attendance. Both knitting and crocheting are considered to be "girlie" crafts and I didn't want to turn the boys off from programs.

So I decided that I was going to keep them both and offset the girliness with extra game nights. Then, in May, I want to have a comic book/manga drawing program to bring in both genders (hopefully attract more boys) as well as coincide with Free Comic Book Day (for which I plan to distribute a list of places to get free comics). Who knows? If the crocheting/knitting is a hit, perhaps I can get a Stitch n' Bitch (will be renamed) going... maybe even work with the Adult librarian for multi-generational nights.

Ahhhh, optimism, you smell so sweet and alluring. Foul temptress!

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